TAG : Your Favorite Beauty Vloggers ♥

The passing away of Talia Castellano broke the hearts of a lot of people, mostly those in the beauty community. I only found out about her a couple of months ago when I saw her on TV. That was when I learned about her story. She lived such an inspiring and positive life while battling cancer. Instead of being conquered by the disease, she overcame it and shared her light by making YouTube videos. Her life is a testimony that taught me a personal lesson. I will not go into details but her strength and positivity in life even while battling cancer inspired me to be more positive as well.

It’s amazing how people can touch each other in this community behind the screens of our computers. On the surface we are all sharing beauty tips and such, but underneath all the make up and glitter we are actually slowly affecting and changing each others lives. Here are some of the beauty gurus that I look up to and that inspires me :)

Blog link | YouTube Channel
Zoey, for me, is not really like the other girls on this list because she does not have a lot of make up tutorials. I am a big fan of her creativity in photography and in writing. I think she has a great sense of humor. It is almost impossible to believe that she is battling with anxiety attacks and YouTube was her way of overcoming it.

Blog link | YouTube Channel
This dynamic duo are my go to girls whenever I want to learn a new make up look. All their videos are clear, precise, extremely helpful. I like how their tutorials are calm, simple, and yet powerful.

Blog link | YouTube Channel
Who doesn’t know Michelle Phan, anybody who wants to be a part of this community must know her. She is one of the most successful beauty gurus / vloggers and her life story is very inspiring. She is extremely creative, and all her videos are very very useful.

Blog link | YouTube Channel
Elle Fowler is probably the first YouTuber that I really liked. Her sister, Blair (beautiful brunette in the picture above) also makes YouTube videos that I enjoy watching. But I must say I appreciate Elle’s videos more because I can relate with her style. If you haven’t seen her room tour videos, you should check it out, its very dainty and princess-ish.

Blog link | YouTube Channel
If I am not mistaken her full name is Heart Defensor and she is a Filipino, which I only found out later on after I watched a lot of her videos. The main thing I enjoyed about her is her girly style that manifests in her hair clothes and most especially her room that I love love love so much.

If you don’t know some of the beauty gurus I posted, make sure to check them out because they have a lot of good and helpful videos. I included links to their blogs and vlogs. Also, leave a comment about your favorite beauty vloggers / beauty gurus. I really want to see your list so I can expand mine too :)

Who are your favorite beauty vloggers?
Picture Sources : talia castellano, zoella, pixiwoo, michelle phan, elle fowler, thats heart,


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